You might have heard that all your body parts are linked up to one another. That might seem like a reasonable statement when you think about your right knee and right ankle together. What if it was your right ankle and left shoulder? How does that all link up? The answer to that question lies within the wonderful world of Fascia.
But what is Fascia? Think of a spider web and its a complex mesh-like structure. If you pull one end of the web, its many interwoven connections will cause a pull on the other end of the web. Now imagine that web going through your entire body, around every organ, bloody vessel, nerve and muscle. This goes all the way from your head to your toes. This is Fascia, it is effectively the stocking of the body.
What does the Fascia actually do? Fascia is a complex system which has many functions. It is an incredible feat of engineering, creating a balance between stressors and counter-stressors. As a result it helps create a mobile, flexible and resilient body. Its slippery and wet nature helps muscles move along each other without too much friction, allowing your muscles to work more efficiently. Fascia also acts as your body’s emergency break system due to its strong structure.If Fascia is so useful, where does it go wrong? Just like any other structure in your body, Fascia has the potential for injury or dysfunction. This can occur as a result of trauma, repetitive movements, prolonged sitting or even poor posture. A common issue is when the fascia is conditioned to work in one particular way. It will tighten up or creates adhesions which will cause a decrease in the mobility to allow muscles to slide along each other. If this occurs, tension is placed on the surrounding structures such as muscles and ligaments. This causes issues such as muscle strains, poor muscle control. It also causes the use of muscles for actions they are not designed for leading overactive muscles.What does that mean to me? To help you understand the nature of your injuries and its complexities, it is important to understand what Fascia is, its function and dysfunctions.We know that Fascia wraps around certain muscles and structures which spread through the body in recognizable patterns. These recognizable patterns are called Fascial Slings. Understanding the slings and how they connect different body parts together helps guide you in resolving your aches/pains. Understanding how different body parts might be having an influence on your issue is a game changer in overcoming reoccurring or pesky injuries. "Credit to for this great article"
