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  • Anne Taylor

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Home

The simple things, taking the positives out of your day and keeping your connections....

I was thinking yesterday about what I can do to keep my mindset happy and healthy, and I wanted to share a couple of ideas with you that worked for me, I hope they work for you too..

Call friends, more than a text, make a call and have a natter

Saying hello to others, even if it is from two metres away! - You could always shout from your window!

But what I did think about that also made a difference was, what is my most recent happy memory? What do I have today to be be grateful for?

The list of things was endless, and I feel happier, enthused and grateful..

Take five minutes to ponder, it genuinely could change the outlook of your day..

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Home

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