The latter part of December has been a time for slowing down.
I finished treating clients by Christmas Eve and aimed to start the New Year refreshed, revitalised and raring to get back to seeing new and existing clients!

I took the time out during Christmas and New Year to plan out my 2022 diary, blocking out family and holiday time. Reflecting on what worked and what didn't, what to keep and what to let go.
I also spent time reflecting on what I want to bring into 2022.
One thing I did do was buy a new Christmas tree which is pre-lit! No messing around with the lights, trying to place and position them on the tree. The lights on the new tree are coloured so we went for a minimalist look and didn't put any ornaments on the tree, just the fairy on top!

What have you been up to during Christmas?
What are your plans for the New Year?
I wish you and your family a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
Anne x